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Indonesian pavilion at Milan Expo 2015 attracts a million visitors

MIlan Expo

Friday, 28 August 2015, 06:52 WIB

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MILAN –- Indonesia pavilion at Milan Expo 2015 had a great success. It was because the pavilion that was managed by Pelestari Budaya Nusantara Cooperation and Artha Graha, attracted more than a milion visitors, in Tuesday (25/8).

“Exactly at 14:05 Milan time, the visitor number one million that came to the Indonesian pavilion, got souvenirs,” said Director of the Indonesian pavilion, Budiman Muhammad.

The enthusiasm of visitors from various countries to the Indonesian Pavilion could be seen from 11,500 visitors who came during August.

During a variety of events, including a new Guinness World Record (GWR) ‘The Largest Tumpeng’, the visitors reached 21 thousand in a day. However, Indonesia pavilion showrooms could only hold a maximum of 120 people.

Budiman admitted, these achievements were quite encouraging, because in August Italy people, especially Milan, were being in the summerholidays. Most Italians usually choose beach or having vacation to another country during holiday.

“It turns out that many tourists from French, Swiss, Dutch and other European countries came to Italy to visit Milan Expo,” said Budiman.
